Open Auditions for our 2025 Evening of One-Acts!

Friday February 21 @ 4-6:30pm
Wednesday February 26 @ 5-8pm
Saturday March 1 @ 11:30am-1:30pm
at the Williamsville Hall
(35 Dover Road, Williamsville VT)

If you’ve ever thought about dipping your toe in acting, this is the perfect time to give it a try! With 30+ roles to fill for this year’s program, actors of all experience levels are welcome to audition! Actors do not need to prepare anything in advance.

See below for details about themes & casting needs! (Play titles link to PDFs of each play’s script.)

For more information, contact Amy Donahue at

A Country Store
by Luke Krueger, directed by Tom Ely
***Tom will be present at 2/21 and 2/26 auditions***

In the early days of the pandemic, a Vermont store owner and his employee confront their uncertain future and the challenges of being separated from loved ones.

Roles: Harry (50s), Winslow (20s), Danni (50s)

Audition sides here: #1, #2 and #3

Four Years, Four Months
written & directed by Jay Gelter
***Jay will be present at 2/26 and 3/1 auditions***

A physicist, whose controversial time travel theories made him famous, recants his beliefs, a shift triggered by his wife’s death four years and four months earlier.

Roles: Phil (30s-40s), Janice (30s-40s), The Interviewer

Audition side here


by Bob Cullinane, directed by Tracy Berchi
***Tracy will be present at 2/26 and 3/1 auditions***

A man’s simple desire to purchase a bar of soap spirals absurdly out of control, landing those involved in a hilariously unlikely series of legal proceedings.

Roles: Husband (50s), Wife (50s), Cashier, Secretary, Store Manager, Judge, Security Guard, Prison Guard, Police Officer, Elderly Man

Audition side here

The Good Stuff
by Vicki Santiesteban, directed by Jess Guerrero

A morning in the life of a multigenerational household reveals the daily challenges and fleeting connections between a grandmother, her daughter, and granddaughter.

Roles: Eileen (60s-70s), Portland Craig (40s), Meghan (teen)

Audition sides here: #1 Eileen & Meghan, #2 Portland, #3 Craig

by Isabella Watkins, directed by Kay Becker
***Kay will be present at 2/21 and 2/26 auditions***

Two young feminist novelists find themselves entangled in a pirate adventure involving mistaken identities, romantic missteps, and a surprisingly literary quest.

Roles: May (20s), Beatrix (20s), Fitzwilliam (20s), Frederic (20s), Tarragon (30s), The Duchess (30s), members of the Pirate Chorus

Audition sides here: #1 (Beatrix/May/Duchess), #2 (Duchess/Tarragon), #3 (Beatrix/May), #4 Andrews/Beatrix/May, #5 (Andrews/Frederic/Tarragon)

We look forward to seeing you there!